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Friday, Sep 20, 2024

30 ‘COOLest’ Cos. Chosen for SDVG Venture Summit

A select few of the region’s startups have been chosen for the next gathering of venture capitalists. The San Diego Venture Group announced its “COOLest Companies” for its upcoming half-day Venture Summit on June 19. The 30 selected businesses will get a display table at the summit, a networking reception with VCs, membership in the venture group and other benefits, SDVG President Dave Titus said. “The companies represent a quick snapshot of what is happening in the venture economy,” he said, adding that the list includes some large and small businesses. To see the list of those picked from the 180 who applied, go to sdvg.org. … What’s in a name? A lot, apparently, especially among millennials. North San Diego Business Chamber President and CEO Debra Rosen said her organization changed its name — it was formerly the San Diego North Chamber of Commerce — to better reflect the needs of the next-generation membership, the second-largest in the county behind the regional chamber in San Diego. She said many potential younger members “didn’t know what a chamber of commerce is or how it works.” The new name is a better self-description of what it does. For information about the chamber, which represents many businesses along I-15, go to sdncc.com. … “Say it like Shakespeare: The Bard’s Timeless Tips for Communication Success, 2nd Edition,” written by my friend Thomas Leech, won recognition in the 2014 International Book Awards sponsored by USA Book News. The new edition took honors in the business communications-public relations category. Leech said his book provides a “tuneup” for enhancing business and personal communications. Go to presentationpress.com to order a copy. … Out and about: The 28th annual La Jolla Festival of the Arts, set for June 21-22, provides an escapist weekend for those interested in the arts and who want to help San Diego’s disabled community, according to publicists. The festival started as a small fundraiser for the Torrey Pines Kiwanis in 1987 and has morphed into one of California’s most popular fine arts festivals. Details and tickets are available at www.ljfa.org. … “Chasing the Song,” a new musical at the La Jolla Playhouse, is a must-see production written by the two artists who brought the hit musical “Memphis” to Broadway. The play takes place just before The Beatles arrive to change our popular music landscape, and it has become a favorite among those of the younger generation who’ve seen it. See lajollaplayhouse.com for details and tickets. The production runs through June 15.

Contributing Editor Tom York writes the SDBJ Insider. You can reach him via email at tyork@sdbj.com or tom.york@gmail.com.


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