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Boosting the Business of Nonprofits

CONSULTANTS: Nonprofit Solutions Works to Educate, Train Organizations

The nonprofit world is a huge space.

Rather than generating profits for owners and shareholders in the for-profit arena, nonprofits provide services that have a particular mission or a cause that benefits the public good. They run the gamut, from small, private foundations to large, public charities.

According to statista.com, there are an estimated 1.5 million 501-c3 nonprofits in the United States, collectively reporting annual expenses of $2.48 trillion and revenues of $2.62 trillion.

But large or small, for all the good they do in the world, nonprofits report significant challenges in attracting and keeping talented professionals.

Angie Myer
Associate Executive Director
Nonprofit Solutions

That challenge often stems from an inability to offer competitive wages and benefits that keep pace with inflation and ever-increasing costs of living, particularly in San Diego County, says Angie Myer, associate executive director of Nonprofit Solutions, a nonprofit that seeks to build the success of other nonprofits.

“Unfortunately, while many nonprofit organizations in San Diego are committed to their employees’ growth, the majority of them face challenges, such as a lack of financial resources, time, and space to deliver effective training opportunities,” Myer said.

Nonprofit Solutions is a Serra Mesa-based organization that understands professional development is key to employee recruitment and retention, Myer said, which in turn results in a thriving nonprofit sector that provides robust services to the community.

According to the most recent Annual State of Nonprofits report by University of San Diego researchers, 74% reported job vacancies negatively impacting its services with 2 out of 3 organizations reporting difficulty in hiring qualified employees.

Since 1991, Nonprofit Solutions has been providing management assistance to nonprofits throughout San Diego County, Southern California and beyond, training more than 110,000 nonprofit practitioners to run hundreds of nonprofit organizations more effectively.

Nonprofit Solutions offers training, programs and management assistance that help nonprofit employees develop the leadership skills they need to advance their careers and propel their organizations forward.

“Our goal is to support the hardworking people out there saving the world,” Myer said. “If this is one way to help make their jobs easier and more effective, we are honored to do so.”

The organization raises funds from public and private corporations and donors, with funds used to further its mission and the advancement of its nonprofit clientele. Its most recently reported annual revenue was more than $500,000.

In 2022, Nonprofit Solutions served 272 nonprofits with 1,735 individuals participating. Nonprofit Solutions offered just under 200 workshops and awarded nearly $3,000 in scholarships. Its NPWorks online job site offered 501 job postings. The San Diego Business Journal recognized Nonprofit Solutions as one of the top 14 consulting firms in San Diego.

The company recently graduated its first group of nonprofit employees – employees of the San Diego Humane Society — from its new Mobile Leadership Academy’s Mobile Hybrid Training Institute (MHTI). The pilot program offers a robust curriculum based on the most current hybrid learning best practices.

The MHTI was established with the aim of bridging equity gaps and enhancing the nonprofit sector and community. Focusing on nonprofit employees within the county facing low and low-to-moderate income levels, the Institute offers much-needed professional development programs directly to those who would otherwise have limited access to such opportunities.

MHTI ensures that nonprofit employees develop critical skills essential for excelling in their roles. Participants are equipped with up-to-date knowledge of industry trends, receive valuable leadership training to advance their careers and gain the tools that help with career mobility.

Christiana Tasto
Executive Director
Nonprofit Solutions

“This program elevates Nonprofit Solutions’ ability to support more nonprofit professionals, which in turn, benefits the hundreds of thousands of residents served by these nonprofits,” said Christiana Tasto, Nonprofit Solutions executive director.

The comprehensive five-month program equipped SDHS employees with valuable skills and knowledge to advance their careers and make a lasting impact on their communities.

Myer said the Institute’s success lies in its integration of innovative technology, using Zoom, Artificial Intelligence cameras, microphones and speakers to provide a better interactive experience for both in-person and virtual attendees.

During the course, Emily Scheerer, SDHS operations project manager, told Myer she enjoyed having the ability to interact with her coworkers through the digital screen and in person.

Emily Scheerer
Operations Project Manager

“I love taking the content that I’m learning and applying it specifically to my work in my organization, learning about what my colleagues are experiencing, connecting with them so that we can actually work better together, communicate better together and grow as leaders,” Scheerer said.

The SDHS cohort also had access to Nonprofit Solutions’ Mindful Manager Program, a workshop series that helps nonprofit employees build skills critical for successful leadership.

The program strives to cultivate emotionally intelligent leaders who are ready to lead nonprofits of the future, Myer said, by addressing topics including leadership, emotional intelligence, attention management, inclusion and equity, communication, conflict resolution, coaching, talent acquisition, performance management and team development.

“Participants leave the program with a toolbox of integrated strategies for both self and team management,” she said. The interactive approach “fosters a dynamic and inclusive learning environment, enabling participants to exchange ideas, engage in meaningful discussions and build valuable networks within the nonprofit community.”

Nonprofit Solutions sponsors include Union Bank, Optima Office, Rancho Santa Fe Foundation, the San Diego County Chapter of Grant Professionals Association and QuestionPro.


Nonprofit Solutions
BUSINESS: Nonprofit management specialist
REVENUE: $533,000
EMPLOYEES: Three full time and two part time employees, plus five part-time instructors
WEBSITE: npsolutions.org
CONTACT:  858-292-5702 or ctasto@npsolutions.org
SOCIAL IMPACT: Nonprofit Solutions is proud to support the thousands of dedicated nonprofit employees that serve San Diegans. By improving the organization’s management and training efforts, we strive to help increase their impact in the community.
NOTABLE: Nonprofit Solutions was named one of San Diego Business Journal’s Top Executive Training Programs for 2023. It also has a 5-star Charity Navigator rating.


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