For those who like getting the less appealing aspects of life out , like paying their income taxes , of the way quickly, a Carlsbad company has launched a site that may be of some help. is actually an educational and outreach arm for the Preservation Group, an estate and retirement planning firm.
The site is a veritable cornucopia of helpful information concerning such vital topics as taxes, retirement and estate planning, and travel.
In addition, the site provides an update on the 2000 tax law changes, new tax rates, reviews of software tax preparation programs, and the most popular IRS individual and business forms for free downloading. Later this month, the site will offer all the state income tax forms as well.
“This is the third year that we’ve operated the tax center site, and it has received a tremendous response,” said spokeswoman Elizabeth Yarnall. “Last year we had people calling us around the end of March and beginning of April telling us they couldn’t get on the IRS’ site.”
All tax forms are accessible for free using Adobe Acrobat software which also can be downloaded. Of course, the federal IRS operates its own site ( where taxpayers can find whatever document they may need.
Conveniently, there are links on to the IRS, the Social Security Administration, and two popular financial news sites.
Visitors to the site can also find a listing of tax advisors and accountants in their area with the Find a Tax Pro tool.